Nearly seven months before the event takes place, tickets for WordCamp Europe 2016 in Vienna, Austria on June 24-26 are on sale. There are two types of tickets available, General admission and Microsponsor.
General admission tickets are € 40.00 each and cover both days to the event, access to all sessions, lunch, coffee breaks, warm up events, and the after party. It also includes a WCEU 2016 t-shirt, stickers and other swag.
Microsponsor tickets are € 150.00 and includes everything the general admission ticket offers. The major difference between the two besides cost, is that the microsponsor ticket is a great way to support the European WordPress community. Microsponsorships shows appreciation of the event and grants you a special mention on the sponsorship page.
Before you purchase tickets, it’s important to note that due to Paypal’s 60 day refund policy, the event is not issuing refunds. If you buy a ticket and want to give it away as a gift, or sell it to someone, you’ll need to edit the details using the link in your ticket purchase confirmation email.
Although the schedule is not yet posted, WordCamp Europe has an established history of being one of the best WordPress events of the year. Let us know if you plan on attending.